Buy bachelor's degree online from any uk university

Buy bachelor’s degree online from any uk university

A bachelor’s degree is a common first degree. It gives you a thorough understanding of a subject. Bachelor’s degrees usually have a set programme of academic study, while some also incorporate practical elements and placements. Looking to buy a bachelor’s degree online in the UK? Discover the convenience and flexibility of obtaining a recognized degree from the comfort of your own home. Explore the options available and take the next step towards advancing your career with confidence.Buy bachelor’s degree online from any uk university

There are different types of degrees, such as Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Education (BEd) and Bachelor of Engineering (BEng). If you complete your degree successfully with a grade of at least 50 per cent (referred to as a ‘third’ in the UK), you’ll be awarded with an ‘honours’ degree.

A full-time bachelor’s degree normally takes three years to complete. Part-time options are also available at many universities so that you can work alongside your studies or learn at a more relaxed pace. If you need a visa to study in the UK, you should check if your immigration status allows you to do a part-time course.

It’s worth knowing that many Scottish universities offer an undergraduate degree in humanities or social sciences called a Scottish Masters of Arts (MA). It is completed over three years for a general degree or four years for an Honours degree. This shouldn’t be confused with a postgraduate master’s course, which is usually completed over one or two years. Buy bachelor’s degree online from any uk university

Undergraduate Degrees in the UK 

Undergraduate Study at UK Universities

International undergraduate applications to all UK universities are managed by UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). As an official UCAS centre, SI-UK’s professional university consultants can guide you through the entire university application process.

– How long do undergraduate degrees last?

For a first degree, most international students study a three-year undergraduate bachelor’s degree, featuring a combination of seminars, workshops, and lectures divided into different modules. Specific modules are optional, so students can tailor their study to what interests them most.

Some undergraduate degrees, such as science and engineering, can take up to four years to complete, while fast-track 2-year degrees enable students to complete their undergraduate course and find a job much quicker.

Types of Undergraduate Degrees

In addition to the standard three-year undergraduate degree, a joint or dual-honours undergraduate degree allows students to split their time between two different courses, meaning a wider choice of modules and increased job options after they graduate.

A sandwich course will last four years and involve one year at a work placement related to your field of study.

Short undergraduate degrees

  • Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) – This lasts for one year, full-time, and two part-time.
  • Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) – A 2-year full-time degree course.

Neither of the above fast-track degree options leads to postgraduate study, but students can move into an extended three-year degree if they change their minds.

Where Can I Study an Undergraduate Degree?

Undergraduate courses at UK universities provide world-class teaching, state-of-the-art facilities and global recognition from employers.

Popular Undergraduate Degrees


An undergraduate course in business covers subjects such as marketing, finance, accounting, management, and entrepreneurship, giving students a strong foundation in business basics. It combines theoretical learning with practical application through real-life examples, projects, and internships, and students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork skills essential for the business environment.


An undergraduate degree in law is a programme of study where students learn about the legal system and how it works. During their studies, they develop essential skills like critical thinking, research, and effective argumentation. They also get hands-on experience through activities like mock court cases and internships.


An undergraduate degree in engineering, also called B.Tech, is a programme where students learn about different types of engineering, like mechanical, electrical, civil, and computer engineering. They gain practical skills and problem-solving abilities by doing hands-on projects and experiments in labs and learn to work well in teams. After completing their degree, they can work in manufacturing, construction, or technology industries, contributing to creating new things and improving existing ones.


A medicine degree is a challenging programme where students learn to become doctors. They study subjects like the human body and diseases and how to treat them, learning through lectures, hands-on activities, and working with hospital patients. The course also teaches them about ethics and how to behave professionally.

Computer Science

Undergraduate computer science courses teach students how to write computer programs, understand how computers work, and store and process information. They also develop coding, problem-solving, and logical thinking skills. Degrees cover programming languages, algorithms, and software development. Students can choose to specialise in areas like artificial intelligence or data science.

Cost of Undergraduate Study

The cost of studying in the UK for international students varies depending on the degree level and programme chosen. For undergraduate degrees, fees range from approximately £15,000 to £38,000, with medical degrees being higher. International students should also consider other expenses such as accommodation, living costs, and study materials when planning their budget for studying in the UK.

Entry Requirements for an Undergraduate Degree

Universities consider qualifications such as A levels, BTEC grades, UCAS points, and International Baccalaureate (IB) scores. For example, they might ask for A levels with grades between AAB-ABB or a certain number of UCAS points, usually ranging from 128 to 136. BTEC Extended Diplomas with grades from DDD to DDM or IB scores of 30 to 31 may also be accepted.

UK University Undergraduate Acceptance Rate

This data shows the percentage of students who applied and were offered a place during the September 2021 intake.

  1. University of Oxford (19.1%)
  2. University of Cambridge (21.6%)
  3. London School of Economics and Political Science (21.9%)
  4. University of St Andrews (25%)
  5. Imperial College London (32.5%)
  6. St George’s, University of London (35.3%)
  7. University of Edinburgh (39.3%)
  8. University College London (42.8%)
  9. University of the Arts London (43.8%)
  10. University of Strathclyde (44.9%)

Study an Undergraduate Degree

If you wish to learn more about studying for an undergraduate degree in the UK, arrange your free consultation with SI-UK today.

Undergraduate Degree FAQ

How long is a bachelor’s degree in the UK for international students?

A bachelor’s degree in the UK typically takes three years for international students. However, some courses, such as those in medicine or specific engineering disciplines, may require an additional year of study.

What are the general requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the UK?

UK undergraduate degrees have varying entry requirements based on the chosen course and university. These requirements typically consider qualifications like A levels, BTEC grades, UCAS points, and IB scores.

How long can you stay in the UK after a bachelor’s degree?

After completing a bachelor’s degree in the UK, international students typically have the opportunity to extend their stay. The student visa allowed students to remain in the UK for up to four months after completing their studies. During this time, students could search for employment or explore other opportunities.

What are the advantages of studying in the UK as an international student?

Studying in the UK as an international student offers access to world-renowned universities known for their academic excellence and diverse student communities, providing a rich cultural experience. The UK’s educational system emphasises practical learning, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are highly valued by employers globally. Studying in an English-speaking country can improve your English skills, which is valuable for future careers.

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